Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Movado Watches Series 800 - The Ultimate Luxury Sports Watch

For over 125 years the Movado aggregation accept been creating watches. For a lot of of that time they accept aswell been acceptable awards for their allegorical watches. These timepieces accept consistently been associated with the finest of movements and accurateness that Swiss watches are acclaimed for. Movado has afresh launched a new alternation of watches, the Movado Alternation 800. This ambit is the ultimate in affluence sports watches and is accessible in both mens and ladies watches.
The Movado 800 Alternation has been advised accurately to address to the adolescent bazaar searching for a added applied affluence watch, those that are gluttonous to acquirement a watch in the $500-$1500 range, and the Movado watch buyer who is searching for a sports watch.
All of the watches in the Movado Alternation 800 appearance the calmly recognized, ample and luminous, Movado dot at 12. The Movado dot has become allegorical of Movado watches and pays admiration to the actual acclaimed Movado Museum Series. Other practical, athletic, and appropriate appearance that you would apprehend of a Movado watch are:
* achievement steel, a college brand of stainless steel, is acclimated in the assembly of these watches for even bigger backbone and strength. The low nickel agreeable in this surgical animate superior offers bigger hypoallergenicity.
* baptize aggressive to 200 meters, or 660 feet. This watch will survive any abatement into a pond pool.
* wrist bands are accessible in either atramentous Thermoresin, which has built-in UV protection, or the stainless animate bracelet. Both wrists straps accept a bend over assurance bar at the brooch for added aegis while accommodating in alive pursuits. The stainless animate bracelets appear able with a diver deployment brooch that allows your watch to be beat cautiously over your wetsuit.
* array of atramentous watch faces to clothing your alone appearance alignment from acceptable atramentous or white through to the added adventurous red, yellow, and blue.
* assorted sized watches are accessible in 28, 38, and 43 mm.
* alarm watches are accessible in the 800 Alternation and will add added breeding forth with the added account of breach additional timing. The three added annular dials on the face of the watch will acquiesce you to time your claimed bests in minutes, seconds, and tenths of seconds.
* spiral down acme to accommodate a added baptize aggressive watch.
* Swiss quartz movement for absolute timekeeping, which is authentic to 60 abnormal per year.
* one way, or unidirectional alternating bezel for added authentic recording of anesthetized time.
* beachcomber textured punch and a beachcomber contoured face abide the allegorical Movado glassy and able watch architecture.
* 2 year Movado warranty.
The Movado Alternation 800 watch is the latest ambit from a aggregation who has prided themselves on acceptable over 200 awards in the watch industry. Movado aswell authority over 100 watch patents. Innovative adroitness accumulated with Swiss accurateness and top end affluence is the end result.
The Movado Alternation 800 is absolute for the alone gluttonous the aggregate of an clear affluence watch with the practicalities of a sports watch. Dress it up, dress it down. Strap one of these Movado watches to your wrist and leave it there.

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