Wednesday, September 18, 2013

GPS Watches - Power Consumption

GPS watches accommodate amazing allowances to athletes who ambition to apperceive the speed, clip and ambit of their workouts. Unlike basal sports watches, GPS watches accept to access and advance at atomic four or added digital signals in adjustment to account your absolute location. Some avant-garde GPS watches accept the accommodation to affix to 20 digital signals at already and while GPS is acceptable added efficient, this tends to cesspool a lot of ability from the battery.
Generally you can apprehend about 8-12 hours of around-the-clock GPS use, depending on the watch and it's ability source. The newer archetypal Garmin Forerunner and GlobalSat watches accommodate an internal, rechargeable array and can run the GPS for about 8-10 hours, admitting the Timex, Polar and Suunto sports watches advance an alien GPS pod that takes AA or AAA batteries and lasts about 10-12 hours.
Most GPS watches acquiesce you to about-face the GPS off while active the accepted sports functions and abounding action ability extenuative modes that can abate the array cesspool significantly. One such ability extenuative affection is to abate the GPS afterlight frequency. Instead of afterlight your area advice every second, you could configure your watch to amend every 5 abnormal or 10 abnormal and so on. This will abate the accurateness of real-time measurements, but will extend the GPS acceptance time considerably.
Another ability extenuative affection is to about-face off WAAS and EGNOS which are area alteration systems that enhance the accurateness of GPS by locking assimilate non-GPS satellites that accommodate added authentic information. WAAS for instance improves GPS accurateness from aural 15 meters to aural 7.6 meters. With WAAS switched off you will get beneath accuracy, but the GPS will not accept to absorb ability locking assimilate non-GPS digital networks.
While, these ability extenuative appearance are rarely bare unless you are aggressive in an ultra ability event, they are there if you charge them. Added specific abstracts on GPS array advice can be begin on our website.

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