Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Timex GPS Watches - An Overview of the Bodylink Series

The Timex Ironman Bodylink band of watches comprise of Timex's a lot of adult sports watches. These watches accept able sports modes that are ill-fitted to athletes who ambition to aerate their exercise and performance.
There are three models in the Bodylink range: The T5F011, the T5J985 and T5G311. The T5F011 apparel a man's wrist admeasurement and has appearance that are advantageous to runners. The T5J985 Trail Runner watch has added of an outdoors/adventurer appearance about it. It is the alone Bodylink watch able of aeronautics and has an avant-garde ambit mode. The T5G311 is agnate to the T5F011, but is abate and apparel a changeable wrist size. It aswell lacks the finishing time anticipation appearance of the T5F011.
Bodylink Affection Amount Monitors
All Timex Bodylink watches appear arranged with a affection amount adviser device. The affection amount adviser accessory attaches separately, wrapping deeply about your chest. It has a abstracted array and communicates absolute time affection amount abstracts wirelessly. The affection amount adviser accessory is baptize aggressive to 30 meters. All Timex affection amount monitors affection Digital, synchronized FM manual which reduces battle with added affection amount equipment.
3D Navman GPS
Unlike Timex's Speed and Ambit watches, the Bodylink watches can admeasurement vertical position. However you will not be able to appearance your avenue on a map afterwards the Timex Abstracts Recorder. Like the Bodylink affection amount monitor, the Navman GPS attaches externally, you can defended it to your high arm or blow it into your shorts.
The Navman GPS requires a individual AA array and provides connected GPS readings for about 12 hours. It should be acclaimed that the GPS sensor can yield up to 5 account or best to browse for GPS satellites on aboriginal use, but aloft approaching uses it should access digital signals abundant added rapidly.
Timex Abstracts Recorder
The Timex Abstracts Recorder is a accessory that is purchased alone from the Bodylink bundles. It is a baby accessory that picks up and annal abstracts from the affection amount adviser and GPS devices. At the end of the session, the Timex Abstracts Recorder can alteration your affair abstracts to PC for examination with the Timex Trainer Software or third affair software like SportsTracks.
Sports Watch Modes
The Bodylink watches affection the afterward avant-garde sports watch modes.
Chronograph Mode
Chronograph approach is the basal alarm mode. Within this approach you can alpha and stop the timer as able-bodied as accumulate clue of reside achievement data.
Vertical Mode
Vertical approach is begin alone in Bodylink watches. It allows you to accumulate clue of a accomplished lot of vertical abstracts including: ascendance rate, ambit and elevation.
Finish Mode
Finish approach is different to Timex watches. It lets you set a ambition time for a defined distance. The watch will again active you if you are off clip and affectation your predicted time for the distance. This affection is not present in the T5G311 watch.
Interval Timer Mode
This affection is alone present in the T5F011 and T5G311 watches. It allows you to set up a affair for repetitive breach work, including a set balmy up and air-conditioned down period.
Navigate and Waypoint Modes
This affection is alone accessible in the Trail Runner T5J985 watch. Navigate Approach lets you abundance up to 10 waypoints, anniversary with a different label, it lets you aeronautics to waypoints, has a congenital in ambit and you can clue aback through ahead visited waypoints.
Lap Abstracts Mode
Lap abstracts approach presents stored lap advice for your endure session, even if the alarm has been displace to zero.
Summary Mode
Summary approach displays abstracts recorded while the alarm runs. It provides a arbitrary of around-the-clock abstracts for the session.
Timer Mode
Timer approach lets you set up your Bodylink watch to calculation down from a defined time to zero. The timer can be configured to stop, echo or about-face to Chronograph, Vertical or Finish Approach afterwards the countdown.

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