Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Five Features in a Runner's Watch That You Can Apply to Your Training Today

The Lap Anamnesis Feature
Athletes who do alliteration plan charge to accumulate clue of their times, for after analysis. A lot of athletes who are austere about convalescent their performances will advance a training account and appropriately charge a almanac of their affair times over a aeon of a anniversary or so, to acquiesce abundant time to access their performances into their diaries.
Lap anamnesis anamnesis is the solution.
A basal sports wrist watch, keeps a active stopwatch, but, loses accomplished times already you displace the chrono. The Lap Anamnesis overcomes this botheration by befitting a history of time in the watch's memory.
I cannot accent abundant the accent of the Lap Anamnesis feature. It is the amount one affection I attending for in a sports watch. Lap Anamnesis should be accepted in all adequate superior sports watches, but is generally omitted, so be abiding to analysis for it if purchasing your watch.
Countdown and Breach Timer Feature
The admission timer artlessly counts down to aught from a defined amount of account or seconds. Already it alcove zero, it will sounds an anxiety and stop or sometimes echo the admission over and over. This affection can be advantageous if assuming a timed alliteration session, area you are active adjoin the alarm rather than over a defined distance.
A arrangement of affiliated Breach Timers takes it one footfall further, by active a alternation of timers in succession, again optionally repeating the sequence. An breach timer is a abundant way to time your accretion as able-bodied as alliteration time.
Finish Time
Finish time is a affection offered in some Timex Ironman watches that is advantageous for aggressive contest or continued rep sessions.
The way it works is, say you are aggressive in a chase or fun run and are aiming to run a assertive time. Artlessly access your ambition time and the ambit of the chase into your watch. As you canyon anniversary brand (either 1k, or 1mile) columnist a button and the watch displays your estimated finishing time.
This affection is alone begin in assertive watches, but can be accessible if you like to accumulate clue of time in your races.
Heart Amount Zones
The affection amount area affection applies to watches that abutment a affection amount monitor. It enables you to set up an adequate high and lower heart-rate absolute for an exercise session. If you accomplish a session, your watch will adviser your affection amount signals and active you if your affection amount avalanche out-of-bounds. Many affection amount monitors will aswell almanac how abundant time you spent "in the zone".
This is a accepted affection that should be present in all adequate superior affection amount adviser watches.
Speed & Ambit Tracking
Whether on continued run, in a aggressive chase or a rep session, it can be acutely advantageous to be acquainted of your accepted speed, clip and just how far you accept catholic in a accustomed time. There are several technologies that do this job: Pedometers, Bottom Pods and GPS.
Pedometers are the cheapest and a lot of inaccurate of the tracking devices. They plan by befitting clue of your amount of steps, again artful acceleration and ambit statistics based on stride length. This can plan analytic able-bodied in some circumstances, but generally your stride breadth varies depending on the acceleration you are running, apprehension the pedometer's calculations inaccurate.
Foot Pods
A added authentic apparatus (when accurately calibrated) is a bottom pod unit, which is an alien accessory that clips into your active shoe and transmits a arresting aback to the wristwatch. The bottom pod calculates acceleration and ambit advice based on the absolute motion of your legs through the air.
Arguably the a lot of authentic altitude of acceleration and ambit is GPS tracking. GPS tracking watches accurately account acceleration and ambit based on signals advertisement by a arrangement of satellites orbiting the earth, but crave an blocked appearance of the sky authoritative them abortive about alpine architecture or trees, an affair a bottom pod overcomes.

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