Saturday, October 12, 2013

Timex GPS Watches - The Timex Data Recorder For Extended Data Tracking

The Timex Abstracts Recorder works with a bound amount of Timex watches that abutment affection amount monitors and GPS. It's action is to almanac connected abstracts that can after be uploaded to PC and analyzed in a software affairs like the Timex Trainer (bundled with a lot of of Timex's avant-garde watches) or a third affair software appliance like SportsTracks.
The Timex Abstracts Recorder is about 3cm in bore and clips neatly assimilate your shorts. It accompanying collects affection amount and acceleration and ambit abstracts from affection amount and GPS sensors and continuously annal conditioning advice with abutment over assorted workouts.
The Recorder is aswell able of tracking aeronautics data, including altitude, elevation, latitude, longitude, ascendance and coast data. This makes it acceptable for use with the Bodylink Trailrunner T5J985 watch.
The accessory connects to PC via a USB cable. Once uploaded the Timex Trainer software lets you to assay your abstracts in a amount of means including:
Weekly action time
Weekly ambit goals
Weekly time in HR zones
Weekly ambit by sport
Daily time in HR zones
Daily time in HR zones by sport
Daily distance
Daily action time
Daily physique weight
Daily comatose affection rate
Daily accomplished altitude
The Abstracts Recorder has a altered accommodation to abundance abstracts depending on the advice it is autumn at a accustomed time.
While recording affection amount adviser abstracts only, a whopping 72 hours of abstracts can be recorded, with acceleration and ambit abstracts alone (no altitude), 26 hours of abstracts is possible. With affection amount adviser abstracts additional acceleration and distance, 14 hours of abstracts can be stored and 7 hours with 3D GPS (inclusive of altitude) can be stored in the Abstracts Recorder's memory.
The Timex Abstracts Recorder is not essential, nor does it appear accepted with any Timex watches, but if you ambition to abundance as abundant of your training abstracts as accessible and accept it accessible for download and analysis, it may be account while advance in this device.

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